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RSS Hayden_clark

Reward Points:0
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3 most recent arguments.
0 points

21nwittman says that mascots should be free because there are other names, but the Viking's mascot doesn't offend anyone, and there are a lot fewer Vikings and Spartans then there are Native Americans. Also, you are saying that there are other racist mascots. If I am correct you are going against your whole idea.

0 points

While 21nbarlow states that schools or professional teams might lose money. I think they should still change the mascot because it is racist and insulting to those people. According to Honor or Insult, schools have already changed their name to Stanford University. They changed their racist name and they don't seem to be affected by it. Also over 2000 high schools and colleges have stopped using Native American mascots and symbols. All your saying is that fans may get uninterested in the team because of the change in mascots, but you never state that they ever would. Like I said before over 2,000 high schools have changed and none of them have been affected very much.

2 points

Mascots like the Redskins are offensive to the native American culture. Teams like the Redskins offend anyone with native American blood, like Mr.Cooper. According to a panel: Native Mascots Devalues Culture. Mr.Cooper was with his daughter at a high school football game, when the other team's cheerleader came out on the field looking like a native American. She had a feathered headdress and a buckskin clothing. When Mr. Cooper and his daughter saw the teenager flip around they became so offended that Mr. Coopers daughter started to tear up and cry. Also, what the cheerleader didn't know was that each feather on the headdress was a life taken in battle. People that do believe that native Americans would be proud of this need to think about if someone was making fun of them would they want to have that person stop or just let it continue.

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