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RSS 21nwittman

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

He says that Native American Mascots are racist but I think that they are an honor. Eunice Davidson a Spirit Lake member told the New York Times " I am very, very honored that they would use the name." So to some of the Native Americans it is not racist, it is an honor. Therefore, they are not racist, they are an honor

2 points

One reason is because it is a tribute to them. The names or some of the teams can be a reminder of the root. The name can tell about the history or the town, or the state. I can make some people even feel good about their town and what it is. Said byAre Native American Mascots Racist? It could also make the fans feel a loss because they have been a fan or the team since they were little. For a long time fan, it can be hard for the team that they love so much to have a name and mascot change.Said by Indian Mascots should they Stay or Go?

1 point

He said that mascots aren't treated with respect and they should change them,but I think that they shouldn't. I think this is that it can be an honor to some. Eunice Davidson a Spirt Lake member told the New York Times " I am very, very honored that they would use the name." This can show that not everyone is offended by the names, only some people are. Said by Honor or Insult? Something else is that Florida State University kept it's nickname the Seminoles after the fact that the Seminoles tribes showed support for them, showing that not only do people like it but some tribes like it too.Said by Honor or Insult? Therefore they should beable to keep there mascots because it is an honor

1 point

Teams should be able to keep their mascots.

One reason is that other teams are doing it besides the ones with Indian names

Names like the Vikings and Spartans are not viewed as racist. This means that all team names that are named after a group of people should change. Said by Indian Mascots Should they Stay or Go? Ethnic team names are a reflection of America's richly mixed culture. This means that the team names show America and there passed. Said by Indian Mascots Should they Stay or Go?

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