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RSS 21jarmstrong

Reward Points:1
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1 point

Mascots represent, dilate, and show identity to a large group of people who work hard, think together, and work as a team. Mascots are extremely important in the sports industry and also in the working industry because they show true character and importance. This being said, mascots are extremely hard to pick because of tough judgement, history of the team/business/school, and popularity. Therefore it us understandable that some team names aren't as good as others but having a team name that discriminates against a certain race is wrong. Team names need to stay racial free and keep everybody happy no matter race or colour.

"Redskins" is the team name of a baseball and football to the home of Washington. Barbra Munson is a member of the Oneida tribe of Indians of Wisconsin and she told scholastic news "American Indian mascots and logos promote negative stereotypes". This is an American Indian who doesn't want to be judged by the color of her skin and cares for all people who are like her. Some people think that the name honors the Native Americans but it only makes them feel more different from the world, like they stand out in such a bad way that they need to be punished by being made fun of. This is wrong and inhumane to the Native American society, because it puts them at a point where they feel uncomfortable.

A long time ago the team name wasn't thought of as much but due to modern development, a large percentage is against discrimination in anyway shape or form. NOT DONE!!!

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