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RSS 21eschiessl

Reward Points:1
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2 points

You say controversial mascots aren't a problem, but I think controversial mascots should be changed because they can offend people, they can change what people think about themselves, and they can give kids a bad example.

Firstly, the clothes the mascots wear can offend people. When a Native American saw a mascot made to look like another Native American, he said, "his daughter because so offended, her eyes filled with tears and she asked if they could leave." (Panel: Native American Mascots Devalues Culture). In the same article, (Panel: Native American Mascots Devalues Culture), the man claims the school with the offensive mascot didn't know about real Native Americans. ". . . making a mockery of us." He said this while referring to the mascot's headdress, knowing that everyone around him had no idea of the meaning of the headdress, which is made for Native Americans in battle. Each feather symbolises the loss of a life. Most people don't notice small details such as this, but for a real Native American, these details can be offensive.

Another reason offensive or controversial mascots should be changed is because they can change what people think about themselves. People, like Native Americans, might not be as proud of themselves and who they are after seeing a mascot made to look like them. "The symbols may also affect how young Native Americans view themselves" (Are Native American Mascots Racist?). Also, seeing an offensive mascot made to look like someone can affect their whole lives because they just think that everyone thinks of them as a joke or that they are someone who doesn't deserve to have the same rights as everyone else. "After seeing American Indian mascots, the students reported having a lower self-esteem. They were also less likely to predict that they would get good grades, graduate and find a job." (Are Native American Mascots racist?) Offensive mascots can change someone's life more than most people think.

Finally, offensive mascots can give kids a bad example. While talking about stereotypical Native American mascots, a man says "They're supposed to be teaching kids to respect other cultures" (Arab-Americans cry foul over California high school mascot). Kids shouldn't be taught to think of mascots made to look like people -- people who deserve just as many rights as we do -- as just a mascot. Just as someone who is there to make sports more fun. The same man (mentioned above) wrote a letter to te California high school "describing the mascot as 'harmful' and 'demeaning'" (Arab-Americans cry foul over California high school mascot). Offensive mascots can be giving kids a bad example.

All of these reasons are proof that offensive mascots should be changed. Clothing can offend people, they can change what they think about themselves, and they can give a bad example. Offensive mascots should be changed.

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