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ACE Debate 10R 2016

21mcartwrigh's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 21mcartwrigh's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

But also, it age was raised, 18-year old would be experienced and reduce less accidents because there more experienced, and there immature at 16, and they will and can be simply distracted and they will be texting while driving

3 points

I'm sure that having there kids not dead and not comfortable on the road, will make be better than cutting two ages and possible of taking your life, so I'm sure parents won't mind of having the extra two years and making sure there kids are safe.

3 points

To counter claim this, it does make a change, you're saying and extra two years wouldn't make a difference? The extra two years gives the students an opportunity to get more comfotrable and make sure they feel strong and it will make the students less stresed.

1 point

We should have the age of driving raised because kids at a young age are reckless. Studies should that at the first month when kids get there license, more accidents occur than ever throughout that year, also drivers ed isn't just enough, "You only read a book and get on the road once, that's not enough experience. See if we had the age higher, we would have more opportunities to get on the road and learn more about the road

1 point

Not if they get an extra 2 years about learning about the road

2 points

Exactly, if they raised the driving age, the kids would get the extra 2 years of learning

1 point

But they are more mature and on the verge of growing up. And 16 year olds are still kids.

3 points

But this more reasonable, kids at a young age should not have there license because A there stupid and B there's a chance of getting your life taken away

2 points

But why have your license when your going to get it taken away?

2 points

I agree with Mason, all teenagers need that extra boost of learning and learn more about the rod

1 point

We should have the age higher for drivers to get there license. I say this because kids at a young age like 16 are care and reckless. Studies show that at the first month when kids get there license, More accidents occur through that time period through out out the whole year. Also, drivers ed isn't enough, "You only read a book. And get on the road once and that's on the small roads, but what happens when you get on the highway, you'll panic, and once isn't enough and doesn't teach them enough about road safety. Also raising the age can reduce obesity. So far sense driving ages haven't gone up. There have been a increase of 66 percent for obesity. Also if the ages get raised higher, to like 18, the kids could be more active and fully grown and more experienced cause they got the extra year or so of learning. Also if they don't raise it, the kids are still immature and will try to show off and eventually get killed, and will be distracted more easily and will text while they drive cause they think they will be cool until they don't notice there about to run a red light and get demolished.

Also 16-year-old's don't know about diving, they don't know enough about it and they can get in a crash because they didn't know if they could go or not and that will not result in a happy way. But now if they raised it, kids would get the extra help they need and that gives them time to be more mature and which will lead to paying attention more.

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