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ACE Debate 10R 2016

21akowald's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 21akowald's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Schools or teams with Native American mascots are creating harmful stereotypes. According to the article "Panel: Native American Mascots Devalues Culture," a man named Mr. Cooper who is a full-blooded Native American brought his daughter to a football game. He saw a cheerleader dressed in a headdress and buckskin clothing and was highly offended. In fact, his daughter became so offended "her eyes filled with tears and she asked if they could leave." The cheerleader didn't understand that every feather in the headdress represented a life that was taken in battle. Also, according to "Are Native American Mascots Racist?" a Native American man says "Every time the Atlanta Braves do their tomahawk chop, we are not real people. WE are no longer successful businessmen, doctors, soldiers, co-workers, or neighbors. To the fan, we exist only in the 1800s as a warrior culture." In conclusion, many Native Americans feel offended with schools and teams mascot choices and therefore, we should change them to be less offensive and more accurate.

1 point

Tasha says that having Native American mascots is a tribute to them but I disagree with this. Many Native Americans find these stereotypes offensive. According to "Arab-Americans Cry Foul Over California High School Mascot," a tribe representative says "We do not deserve to be called redskins. We deserve to be treated as what we are - Americans." Therefore, many Native Americans find these mascots offensive and don't see them as a tribute to them.

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